Mazin, Alex



Alex Mazin.jpg (42937 bytes) Alex Mazin

Ph.D., 1984 - Institute of Cytology & Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia

Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994-1999, University of California, Davis, CA

Assistant Microbiologist, 1999-2001, University of California, Davis, CA

Current address:

Drexel University College of Medicine
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
245 N 15th St, MS 497
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Tel: (215) 762-7195

Mazin, A.V. and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (1996).
The specificity of the secondary DNA binding site of RecA protein defines its role in DNA strand exchange.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 10673-10678. PMID: 8855238; PMCID: PMC38213. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]

Mazin, A.V. and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (1998).
The function of the secondary DNA-binding site of RecA protein during DNA strand exchange.
EMBO J., 17, 1161-1168. PMID: 9463393; PMCID: PMC1170464. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
(see review in CHEMTRACTS-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 11, 777-784, 1998 [PDF]

Ponomarenko, M.P., Ponomarenko, J.V., Titov. I.I., Kolchanov, N.A., Mazin, A.V., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (1998)
Predpochtitel'nost' RecA-filamenta k posledovatel'nostiam DNK korreliruet s geneticheskim kodom. [Preference of RecA-filament to the DNA sequences correlates with genetic code].
Dokl. Akad. Nauk. Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk [Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Science], 363, 122-125. [PDF-Russian] [PDF-translated]

Mazin, A.V. and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (1998).
The synergistic interaction between RecA protein and SSB protein during DNA strand exchange.
In: "Modern Concepts in Evolutionary Genetics", (V.K. Shumny and A.L. Markel, eds.), Nauka, Novosibirsk, Russia, Proceedings of the Conference. [Preprint.PDF]

Mazin, A.V. and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (1999).
A novel property of the RecA nucleoprotein filament: activation of dsDNA for strand exchange in trans.
Genes & Dev., 13, 2005-2016. PMID: 10444598; PMCID: PMC316918. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]

Mazin, A.V., Zaitseva, E., Sung, P., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (2000).
Tailed duplex DNA is the preferred substrate for Rad51 protein-mediated homologous pairing.
EMBO J., 19, 1148-1156.
 PMID: 10698955; PMCID: PMC305653. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
(see commentary in CHEMTRACTS-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 13, 415-423, 2000: [Full Text] [PDF])

Mazin, A.V., Bornarth, C.J., Solinger, J.A., Heyer, W.-D., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (2000).
Rad54 Protein is targeted to pairing loci by the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament.
Cell, 6, 583–592
. PMID: 11030338. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]

Lio, Y.-C., Mazin, A.V., and Kowalczykowski, S.C., and Chen, D.J. (2003).
Complex formation by the human Rad51B and Rad51C DNA repair proteins and their activities in vitro.
J. Biol. Chem., 278
, 2469-2478 (published November 8, 2002 as 10.1074/jbc.M211038200). PMID: 12427746.
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]

Mazin, A.V., Alexeev, A., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (2003).
A novel function of Rad54 protein: stabilization of the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament.
J. Biol. Chem., 278,
14029–14036 (published February 3, 2003 as 10.1074_jbc.M212779200). PMID: 12566442.
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]

Alexeev, A., Mazin, A.V., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (2003)
Rad54 protein possesses chromatin remodeling activity stimulated by the Rad51-ssDNA nucleoprotein filament.
Nature Struct. Biol., 10
, 182-186 (published 10 February 2003 as doi.10.1038/nsb901). 
PMID: 12577053. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Online cover]
(see Highlight in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 4, 261 (2003); doi:10.1038/nrm1089.  [Full Text]  [PDF])
(twice Recommended paper by the Faculty of 1000  [Full Text])
Access the recommendation on F1000Prime
News & Information at UC Davis News Service  [Full Text] [Printable Version])
(see International Rett Syndrome Foundation Newsletter [PDF])

Mazina, O.M., Mazin, A.V., Nakagawa T., Kolodner, R.D., and Kowalczykowski, S.C. (2004)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mer3 helicase stimulates 3’
® 5’ DNA heteroduplex extension by Rad51: Implications for crossover control in meiotic recombination.
, 117, 47-56. PMID: 15066281.  [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]
(see comments in Review 
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF])
News & Information at UC Davis News Service  [Full Text] [Printable Version])

Thomä, N.H., Czyzewski, B.K., Alexeev, A.A., Mazin, A.V., Kowalczykowski, S.C., and Pavletich, N.P. (2005)
Structure of the SWI2/SNF2 chromatin-remodeling domain of eukaryotic Rad54.
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol., 12
, 350-356. PMID: 15806108. 
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supplementary Figure 1] [Supplementary Figure 2] [Supplementary Figure 3] [Supplementary Figure 4] [Supplementary Figure 5] [Supplementary Table 1] [Supplementary Table 2] [Supplementary Methods]

Martinez, J.S., von Nicolai, C., Kim, T., Ehlén, A., Mazin, A.V., Kowalczykowski, S.C., and Carreira, A. (2016)
BRCA2 regulates DMC1-mediated recombination through the BRC repeats.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113
, 3515-3520 (published online March 29, 2016 as doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601691113). PMID: 26976601; PMCID: PMC4822569. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supporting Information]